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PX Procedure Cross Referencer
User's Guide for Ver. 1.00
April 27, 1984
In the process of writing large assembler programs, it sometimes
becomes difficult to keep track of where procedures (subroutines)
are located and of where they are referenced (called). Typically,
the programmer will include a prologue for each procedure, listing
the procedures it calls and the procedures from which it is
called. Unfortunately, this practice requires the programmer
to update the procedure prologue every time a new call to it
is added; this can get pretty tedious for a large program, and
(also typically) the programmer's good intentions fall by the
wayside as the program gets larger.
PX is a procedure documenter. It allows you to print out all
of the procedure prologues in a "dictionary" and to then print
a cross reference of all procedural calls; i.e., a listing
of which procs call which procs. It just makes life a little
You need one or more disk drives, at least 128K of memory, and
DOS 2.00 or later. A printer would be nice, but it's not a
requirement. PX is designed to understand files written for
the Microsoft Assembler: IBM's ASM or MASM, or Microsoft Version
1.25. With some restrictions, PX will also work with files
written for Digital Research's RASM-86.
PX's output (which can be sent to disk, screen, printer, or
any other device) is in two parts. The first part is the procedure
dictionary; it is simply the text of your procedure prologues,
preceded by the name of the procedure and the file/line where
the prologue was found. The dictionary looks like this:
PX 1.00 Procedure Dictionary Date Time Page 1
; This is the procedure prologue for MyProc...
; It contains whatever you put in it
; And this is the prologue for proc VerySlick...
; And so on...
==== PX User's Guide ===
The second part is the procedure cross reference. It is formatted
like this:
PX 1.00 Procedure Cross Reference Date Time Page x
Proc MYPROC Near in THISFILE.ASM at 56 [1]
Proc VERYSLICK Far in THISFILE.ASM at 75 [1]
The first line of each entry names the procedure, and specifies
its near/far attribute and the file and line where it was found.
The number in brackets is the dictionary page where the procedure's
prologue is printed. The second and subsequent lines of each
procedure entry comprise an alphabetical list of procedures
which contain calls to the named proc. For example, procedure
Note that the line numbers in the dictionary and cross reference
sections may differ. In the dictionary, the line number is
the line where the prologue was found; in the cross reference,
it is the line where the PROC statement was found.
At the end of each report, PX will print a line like:
UnDef: 2 UnRef: 6 Use Factor: 12.1%
This indicates that PX found calls to 2 procedures that it knew
nothing about (Undefined), and 6 procedures were defined but
unreferenced (nobody CALLed them [uncalled for procedures?]). PX
used about 12.1% of its available table space.
PX processes include files as it encounters them in the source
files. However, it will read a given include file only once.
For example, if you are processing multiple source files, and
they each INCLUDE the file "MACLIB.ASM", PX will read MACLIB
only the first time.
If PX is to be able to print a "dictionary" of procedure prologues,
it must be able to find the prologues in the source code. For
this purpose, PX understands two keywords in your file: "DICT"
and "ENDD". You need to bracket your prologues with this pair
(in comments of course):
==== PX User's Guide ===
;Dict MyProc
; --------------------------
; Procedure MyProc
; Entry conditions:
; ...
; Exit conditions:
; ...
; --------------------------
MyProc proc near
When PX reads the file containing the above "code", it will
print out everything between "Dict MyProc" and "EndD". It doesn't
make any difference how you capitalize the two keywords, but
they MUST begin in the first column after the semicolon. That
is, this won't work:
; dict myproc
The procedure name must follow the DICT keyword; this enables
PX to match up procedure CALLs with the dictionary page where
the prologue appears.
The basic syntax for invoking PX is as follows:
PX {infile} {/command}
The infile(s) specify which assembler source files you want
PX to read. For example,
PX thisfile thatfile
would read the files "thisfile" and "thatfile", prepare a procedure
dictionary and cross reference (hereinafter Xref), and display
the results. If PX cannot find a file called "thisfile" it
will search for "thisfile.asm" before it gives up. You can
specify up to twenty parameters (input files and commands) on
one command line.
The commands are as follows:
/o=filename Specifies an output file
/i=filename Specifies a command file
/s=filename Specifies a "skip" file
/p=nn:nn Set output page length:width
/x Prepare Xref only
/d Prepare dictionary only
==== PX User's Guide ===
The commands are entered on the DOS command line and are always
preceded by a slash (/); PX assumes that anything without a
slash is an assembler source file to be processed. Here is
an example of a command line with options:
PX thisfile thatfile /x /p=66:132 /o=prn
This PX run will process the files "thisfile" and "thatfile";
it will produce only an Xref (no dictionary); it will format
output for pages with 66 lines of 132 characters each; and the
output will go to the system printer. We'll now cover each
of the commands in turn. (Commands and files may be specified
on the command line in any order, by the way.)
The /o command tells PX where to send its report. Any valid
device that is defined for output to DOS is OK:
/o=prn /o=lpt1 /o=com1 /o=con /o=nul
You may also send output to a file:
/o=a:zapdict.txt /o=crossref
Due to a compiler restriction, path names cannot currently be
used in ANY file specifications (input, output, or command).
Output defaults to console if no /o command is given.
PX command lines can be quite long if they contain multiple
source files and options; it is quite easy to exceed the maximum
length of a DOS command line (about 160 or so characters).
It would also be nice to avoid repetitive typing if you are
going to be using PX a number of times on the same assembler
project. Fortunately, PX can obtain its commands from a standard
DOS text file known as a command file.
The /i command tells PX to look in a text file for further commands.
For example, the command "/i=zap.px" tells the program to look
for additional commands in a file called "zap.px". (The format
of command files is detailed later.) If there is no extension
on the specified command file name and PX cannot find a file
with that name, it will append ".px" and try again. For example,
"/i=zap" would find the file "zap.px" if "zap" did not exist.
The "i" in "/i", by the way, stands for "input commands". The
more logical "/c" is reserved for a future command.
==== PX User's Guide ===
PX is interested only in procedures, their prologues, and their
calls. It is not interested in macros, data definitions, or
long files full of equates. If such files are INCLUDEd in your
source, you can instruct PX to ignore them with a /s command.
For example, the command "/s=equates.asm" tells PX to ignore
the statement "include equates.asm" in the source. This can
save you considerable processing time in large projects.
You can specify the length and width of the output medium with
the /p option. The format is
Either parameter may be missing. Examples:
/p=66:132 Set length=66 lines, width=132 cols
/p=:40 Set width=40
/p=120 Set length=120
PX defaults to a page of length 66 and width 80. It skips about
6 lines at the end of each page. Limits: 20 <= length <= 200;
40 <= width <= 240.
In some cases you may wish to skip either the dictionary or
the Xref portion of the report. A "/x" command tells PX to
print ONLY the Xref; "/d" prints ONLY the dictionary. Specifying
BOTH /x and /d is silly, and PX will tell you so.
Command files are simply DOS text files containing lists of
PX commands and input files. You can put as many files/commands
as you want on each line, separated by commas, space, or tabs.
The semicolon specifies a comment, just as in MASM; anything
after a semicolon will be ignored. Here is an example of a
command file:
==== PX User's Guide ===
; ----- PX command file for ZAP program
/p=66:132 ; Pagesize = 66x132
zap, edit, display, diskio ; Input files
/s=equates, /s=maclib.mac ; Skip file
/o=zap.ref ; Output to "zap.ref"
There is one restriction on command files: they cannot be nested.
That is, a command file cannot contain a "/i" command.
When PX has completed processing a command file, it returns
to the command line if there are more parameters. For example,
PX /x /i=cmdfile.px /i=cmdfile2.px /s=xtrafile
is perfectly OK.
PX works by scanning for two assembler reserved words: PROC
and CALL. When it encounters a PROC statement, it sets up a
table entry for the named procedure; when it encounters a CALL
statement, it looks for the CALLed label in the procedure table.
If no entry is found, a new entry is created and PX waits for
a later definition.
A few situations will cause problems for PX:
o Table-driven calls. If you set up a table of routines
to be called and execute the call via CALL [BX] or
some such, PX can't know what's being called. The
call is ignored.
o Calls to labels not defined via PROC statements (e.g.,
CALL LABEL, where LABEL is defined "LABEL:" rather
than "LABEL PROC NEAR"). PX creates a table entry
for the label, but cannot find a definition. This
results in an undefined procedure.
o Jumps to procedures. If a procedure is JuMPed to rather
than CALLed, PX will not find the reference.
Note, however, that PX will create a table entry when it encounters
a ";DICT procname" directive. You may be able to use this to
overcome the second problem above. (This also allows you to
use PX with RASM-86, which has no PROC statement or equivalent.)
When a table entry is defined only by a DICT directive, PX will
not know whether it is NEAR or FAR.
==== PX User's Guide ===
On a 128K machine, PX has about 63K available for storage of
the procedure and reference tables. This is plenty for all
but the largest projects. For example, I have used PX on a
program consisting of 16 files totaling more than 110K of source;
only about 11% of the available memory was used. PX is compiled
using the small memory model (for execution speed), so larger
amounts of RAM do not increase the available storage.
PX allows for a maximum of 40 files of any type that it keeps
track of: source files, include files, and skip files.
Regrettably, PX does not, at this point, understand the COMMENT
directive in assembler source. It will scan anything between
COMMENT delimiters; if the keywords PROC or CALL appear in the
comments, you may find some strange results in the cross refer-
ence. (PROCs or CALLs in procedure prologues are OK.)
The current version of the C compiler used does not permit path
names in file specifications. This should be corrected shortly.
Due to a compiler oddity, commas cannot be used as command line
parameter separators; use spaces or tabs. Commas are OK in
command files, however.
The PX program
and this document are
Copyright (C) 1984 by
Christopher J. Dunford
10057-2 Windstream Drive
Columbia, Maryland 21044
-- who hereby authorizes you to use PX for your own private,
noncommercial use. You may copy PX for others, but you may
not charge for the copies or for the use of the program or for
anything else connected with the PX program, in any manner,
whatsoever. Please do not alter or bypass the notice displayed
at program startup. You will find it to be unobtrusive and
in good taste.
-- and who welcomes your comments, criticisms, suggestions,
or bug reports (provided they are also unobtrusive and in good
taste), directed to the above address or to CompuServe 71076,1115.
He will also accept phone calls, as long as West Coast people
exercise restraint and recognize that 11PM PST is not a good
time to call the East Coast.